Thursday, December 9, 2010

Detroit Independent Film Festival announces deadline

By: Brittney Schering

The Detroit Independent Film Festival (DIFF) will accept film submissions from Michigan filmmakers until Dec. 15 for its second annual film festival. All submissions must have been produced in 2010. Award categories include best editing, cinematography, and acting.

The competition inside of the festival has a main purpose of strengthening the independent film industry within the state. All of Michigan’s filmmakers are encouraged to submit their films for consideration in the 2nd Annual Michigan Film Awards (MFA).

Michigan film critics will serve as judges, and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. The MFA will identify and recognize an array of talented filmmakers and their movies from all across the state. Feature, short, documentary, animation, and experimental films are welcome.

The Festival is scheduled to happen on March 9-12 at the Detroit Film Theatre, The Burton Theatre, and Wayne State University in Detroit. Awards and afterglow parties will soon be announced.

The Detroit Independent Film Festival draws motion pictures and talent regionally, nationally, and internationally. Every producer and director hope to create an award-winning movie. With independent filmmaking growing in Michigan, the DIFF intends to make these hopes come alive.

Film entries can be submitted to The Burton Theatre, 3420 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI, 48201. For more information, please head over to

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