Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lindsay's Listens: ILAD

Out this week is ILAD's creative funk/jazz venture, Here There.

Clifton McDaniel (vocals) and Gabe Churray (keyboard, electronicist) studied composition together in college and fused their talents together with a hot rhythm section, which includes Cameron Ralston (bass) and Scott Clark (drums). The quartet, which formed in 2004, continues to create music not expected from their Richmond, Virginia upbringing.

At first listen, ILAD's jazzy style sounds a bit like something you would hear at your neighborhood grocery store, such as on "Conservation," the second track. But McDaniel's vocals come in with a breathy, tortured appeal and turn the song into a haunting melody.

"I Just Stopped By" sounds like a track off of Air's Moon Safari (what indie space music sounded like before M83), while "Lou Dobbs'" title may induce laughter - but follows through with jazzy melodies and razor sharp vocals.

Grab this album for a relaxing night or background music at a hip Brooklyn - or Richmond - house party.

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